Homework Assignment
Analysis of Shunt Resistor | ||
Teaching Assistants:
Aim of Assignment
Students will learn the basics of electromagnetic field calculations, their main steps, and gain practice in evaluating results and writing a Technical Report that meets international expectations.
Knowledge needed to solve the problem
- The main steps of the finite element method;
- Theoretical knowledge of the static magnetic field (for defining materials, for excitation);
- Knowledge of CAD system to create geometry;
- Download and install Ansys Electronics Desktop Student.
The Semester Assignment
The task consists of two parts, a basic task, with a faultless solution of up to 70%, and an extra task, with an additional maximum of 30%.
Deadline - Output Form: PDF format. Color drawings should be made so that their contents are clear to the reader in black and white. Language English Place of submission: In Moodle system. Late submission: After every day started, a 5% deduction from the achieved result (i.e. after 5 days delay 100% can only be obtained up to 100% - 5x5% = 75%). Evaluation: 0 - 48% - Insufficient [F] (1) 50 - 59% - Sufficient [D] (2) 60 - 70% Satisfactory [C] (3) 71 - 84% Good [B] (4) 85 - 100% - Very good [A] (5) For the formal requirements, the requirements of CFD and mechanics are also valid here.
Part I of the Assignment
Calculating the resistance and the total loss of the shunt resistor by finite element method
A kapott sorszám alapján a feladat geometriájának méreteit a következő táblázatban találja: Semester Assigment.
A feladat: meghatározni az elrendezés esetében a feszültségesést, a rezisztenciát és az ohmos veszteséget.
A feszültségesés az elrendezés két kapcsa között lévő potenciálkülönbség. A rezisztenciát az Ohm-törvény segítségével tudja meghatározni:[math]R = \frac{U}{I}[/math],
majd a veszteség
[math]P = I^2\cdot R[/math]
képlettel, ahol [math]U[/math] a feszültségesés, [math]I[/math] az áramerősség, [math]R[/math] a rezisztencia.
A [math]z-[/math]irányú hossza (vastagsága) a feladatnak minden esetben [math]5\,\text{mm}[/math] legyen.
Properties of materials. Anyag Titanium Copper Aluminum Copper-manganin alloy [math]\sigma~[\text{MS/m}][/math] 1.82 58 38 20.833 [math]\rho~[\text{kg}/\text{m}^3][/math] 4500 8933 2689 8400 [math]c_{\text{P}}~[\text{J}/(\text{kg}\cdot\text{°C})][/math] 522 385 951 410 [math]\lambda~[\text{W}/(\text{m}\cdot\text{°C})][/math] 21 400 237.5 22 The task is cylindrical to the vertical ([math]z[/math]) axis and the three-dimensional geometry must be prepared according to the specified dimensions (see figure).
- Define the problem type based on the given parameters;
- Creating and specifying the task geometry in Ansys Electronics Desktop Student;
- Run the FEM simulation;
The results of the simulations. Software Discovery AIM Maxwell 3D FEMM Maxwell 2D Force [N] 3,586 3,582 3,542 3,587 Inductance [mH] 39,88 39,84 39,71 39,84
- Test of the surrounding region's size as a function of force;
- Energy, force, inductance in the function of the number of finite elements (Triangle);
- Postprocessing [at least two of the below]:
- 1) determination of force and inductance;
- 2) displaying equipotential lines;
- 3) display the magnetic field strength;
- 4) displaying magnetic flux density vectors.
- Preparation of a Technical Report based on the use of the above results.
Note: The “Part I of the Assignment” elements will be reviewed in detail during the exercise to prepare and run a simulation model for an electromagnetic task. On this basis, students can easily complete Part I of the Assignment by attending the exercises.
- Parameters for this Assignment:
- Relative permeability of air and coil [math]\mu_r = 1[/math];
- The excitation of the coil (To validate the results): [math]I=0.76~\text{A}[/math], [math]N=789~\text{turns}[/math] (DC);
- Magnetic curve of the core and plunge:
Figure 1. - Steel 1008 steel magnetization curve. Part II of the Assignment
Determining the force acting on the moving part of the problem (plunger) and the inductance of the coil as a function of displacement.
Note: This task corresponds to the solenoid valve in internal combustion engines that controls the injection.
- Specific tasks
- Considering the plunger movement to the initial state (2mm air gap) from [math]-1.8\text{mm} \text{ to } 10\text{mm}[/math] (at least in 7 positions). Detailed instructions on the solution will not be available.
- This part is intended to measure the degree of autonomy, initiative and diligence of the student, i.e.:
- is the student able to do independent work;
- to design, assemble and run the simulation alone.